Shamanic Healer and Spiritual Mentor with an exceptional multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural background, as well as 30 years of international experience, supporting wholeness and healing of children and adults.
I offer spiritual healing sessions for children, helping shift and heal a vast range of issues – physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual dimensions.
I also regularly work with children facing long term health challenges, including cancer and severe mental health issues or depressions.
Children who are specially gifted and/or who have special needs respond particularly well to that type of approach, which is a very powerful adjunct to more conventional approaches. Several teams of doctors regularly sent me clients.
The spiritual healing sessions for children are very similar to the ones with adults; however, for children under 14 year-old, the session includes at least the mother as I journey through her on behalf of her child. Exceptions can apply but are always discussed with the child and the parents. Whenever possible, the two parents are directly involved in the healing process.
The sessions usually include some energy work; the modalities vary a lot with each case and are always discussed and agreed upon with the child and the parents.
The experience always proves to be very re-empowering both for the child and the parents. Mothers, in particular, often come to the session experiencing a mix of discouragement, tiredness and guilt. They leave feeling whole again, re-assured in their role and re-empowered to support their child and be the Mom they want to be and truly are.
Whenever possible, a short pre-interview is organized with the child and the parents, as well as a short follow-up two weeks after the initial session.
Wondering if this would be appropriate in your situation? Contact me now and we will arrange a phone conversation.