With the school year coming to close, high school seniors are looking towards graduation and their plans for the future. Moms are watching the lasts of year go by. The last homecoming, basketball game, prom, and finals week. I’m trying to make sure I don’t let the end of the year go by without celebrating my senior. Here’s some ideas on how to celebrate your senior!
1. Pictures of Senior Year
Pictures are a great way to remember all the lasts from senior year and send them off with something special. If you’re really crafty, maybe you’ll consider a scrapbook or collage. If you’re like me, a simple photo album of memories from the year will do. What’s important is giving them something to remember the year by.
I got this photo album off of Amazon and filled it with our favorite memories from the year. I wanted it to be small enough to take with him wherever life takes him.
2. Grad Gear
Whatever is next for your senior, get them some gear to go with their plans! College swag, patriotic apparel for those headed into the military, or new interview worthy outfits. Wherever your son or daughter is headed, you can get them something that shows your support and helps them show off what’s next for them. They will feel supported and it will get them even more excited for their next chapter.
3. Final Family Trip!
You want to celebrate your senior and make some memories as a family before they head off into the Great Unknown. A sweet family trip is a great way to do that. You can plan something big and extravagant. Or if you have a child who already has commitments to jobs, friends, and grad parties–consider a shorter getaway. We are headed to North Carolina for a quick weekend beach trip. Check out this article for a few ideas on nearby summer road trips.

This is such a tender time for so many families. Filled with excitement, anxiety, and celebration. Be gentle on yourself mamas! Best of luck to you and your senior!