Easy Backyard Activities for Kids


My kids are old enough now that I can open the back door to our yard which offers easy backyard activities for kids without constant supervision. It’s delightful! Our space isn’t huge and truthfully, my husband and I weren’t willing to put up a giant play structure or sand box. So I’ve been coming up with other ideas and play things that will keep the kiddos busy outside and will foster independent play. These are some of our favorite things that won’t break the bank and aren’t an eye sore for your yard!

Slack Line Ninja Course

Our family favorite is the Slack Line Ninja Course which sets up between two trees. There are different versions but most of them come with over half a dozen options for climbing, swinging, monkey bars, and more. It doesn’t take up a lot of space, which was key. This one is similar to ours.

Stepping Stones

For Easter, we got my girls Stepping Stones. Again, many options exist, and we opted for the National Geographic ones. They help promote gross motor skills like balance, coordination, skipping, and hopping. These stepping stones can be used indoors or outdoors, and they have a non-slip rubber base and textured stepping surface for additional safety.

Water Play

Always a crowd pleaser, especially as it gets warmer, is anything related to water. My kids love water balloons. The quick fill ones are awesome, but I don’t like the plastic waste. So I’m going to try the reusable ones next. For more eco-friendly and homemade DIY outdoor games, sponges are a great alternative! Throw wet sponges at chalk bullseyes, play sponge tag, and more.

3 in 1 Pop Up Game

This is an easy backyard activities for kids and stores well and is simple to set up. The set includes darts, bag toss, and an alphabet learning board. I love that this small package can turn into a big, fun 3 in 1 pop-up game.


Even young elementary-aged kiddos love bubbles! Personally, I don’t want to be blowing bubbles forever and ever. Plus, I don’t like having to fish around for the wand in the sticky solution, so I’m a big fan of a bubble machine. We like the Fubbles ones.

Do you have easy backyard actives for kids? Please share them! Sometimes the smallest items are the biggest hit like bubbles, book, a spray bottle, or “painting” the concrete with water. Whatever you have planned for outside, remember that these phases don’t last forever–so amidst the chaos, enjoy the fun snd laughter!