Why I’m Ready to Go Back to Work


Back to work after years at home

I’ve been a stay-at-home Mom for almost 14 years. I was right there for every girls’ student conference, back-to-school nights, recitals, and scraped knees. I’ve been able to celebrate every win and comfort all teaching moments (we used to call them losses, ha!) in real-time. I am eternally grateful to my husband for supporting our family financially (and in a million other ways, of course) while I held down our home. Now, I am ready to get back to work.

back to work

Shifts and Trust

I feel a shift in my home life. My girls have developed enough attachment to me to feel secure going into school/camp/world. They go freely with confidence into the unknown. This became apparent during the pandemic. Sure, they still need me for myriad things, but at eight and thirteen, they are independent, socially confident, and well-adjusted. They have been for some time. I was the hold-up, ha! I am finally comfortable with being separated from them. I’ve kept my girls near me to protect them. I trusted very few people with their care. But now, praise be! I’m comfortable with their flying a bit away from the nest. Age and knowledge have strengthened my faith. Also, I believe in my girls! I trust them to express themselves, make good decisions, and come to me when they want and need to.

Independence and Change

And so, it’s time to contribute to my household and expand myself in new ways. Although I have done some work in the last 13 years, I’m excited about the impact I’ll make as I devote more time to working and even passion projects. Also, (and this is a big one): I want the freedom that comes from contributing to my household financially. It’s important to me that my girls see that I can be an earner and an incredible Mama.

I revel in new experiences and I’m rooting for myself as I step into the unknown. And to all the Mamas who are entering new phases of life, I’m routing for you too!

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Shaniece James
Shaniece is a California girl living in DC. She discovered DC in 1995 when she came to study theater arts at Howard University and left DC for New York in 2000. Fast forward to 2008, she excitedly moved back to DC with her husband (found him in NYC) and daughter (grew her in Atlanta). She’s been living, loving, creating art and making connections in DC ever since! She now has two daughters (11 and 6). Shaniece enjoyed working in the non-profit/NGO sector for years until making the transition into full time chef, organizer, manager and volunteer (you know, a stay-at-home mom) and a part time artist, and occasional thrower of a good party. Shaniece loves family, reading, art, international relations and development, and building bridges. Exploring the world is very important to her and she loves to travel with family and friends.