Headshot provided by Erica Baker Photography. Also, Meet Antoinette, their new daughter!

Courtney was born and raised in Louisiana where she met her husband (established 2005). Since then they have moved several times, but finally feel very settled in NW DC after moving back in 2016. She has four energetic kids: Cormac (2010), Evangeline (2013), Solomon (2016), and Antoinette (2019). She thinks motherhood is absolutely wonderful, but she is constantly challenged and stretched in ways she couldn’t have imagined. She spends her days talking Star Wars, building with legos, reading with her kids, doing art, and trying to keep up with the four kids. And looking for moments of quiet at her home and connection with others when they are out and about. She knows motherhood is challenging and can be very isolating, but is also rewarding and fulfilling!
Courtney excitedly started DC Area Moms because she feels a deep calling to help moms connect with one another in this transient area. Really to help bring all of us out of isolation! It has been a dream of Courtney’s to start this City Mom Collective Sister Site since the summer of 2017. She finally felt ready to start this new journey in 2018 when her third baby turned one. She is thrilled to band together with other mothers to inspire, learn, and grow together.
It is her sincere hope, that all moms feel included, welcome, and that they have a voice on this site and a sense of togetherness. Motherhood isn’t supposed to be lonely and her hope is for all of us to lean into one another to help take hold of the hope and joy found in motherhood (even through all of the ups and downs a single day can bring!). We are so glad you are on the site and hope you stay around a while. Please join us and never hesitate to reach out! We are here for you, yes, YOU!!
A bit more about Courtney: she is an ENFJ and loves morning coffee, chocolate, chatting with people since she’s an extrovert, a clean house (which is rare these days), finding good deals, and sneaking in dates with her husband and mom’s nights out. She dislikes breaking up arguments with kids, she abhors littering, and doesn’t enjoy clothes shopping.