Reconnecting With Nature and Art While Home With Kids
It’s spring! Even though life feels upside down because of coronavirus, or perhaps especially because life feels upside down, it can be helpful to pause and enjoy the beauty of spring, no matter how...
Mud Helps Kids Learn: Here’s How to Do it in a Tiny DC Backyard
Let’s get dirty, really dirty! It turns out, mud-play is great for kids! In 2007, researchers at the University of Bristol found evidence in favor of mud. The bacteria in dirt, they discovered, is...
All I Really Need to Know … My Kids Are Learning in Pre-Kindergarten
Watching my two 4-year-old boys, I see big emotions playing out in grand display daily. I recently carried a floppy child kicking and screaming all the way to the car because I refused to...
These Moms Bicycle Commute with Kids. Will You Join Them?
To be honest, I felt nervous about strapping two toddlers into a bicycle trailer and pulling them to school, let alone making it from school to my own office on time. Hearing from other...
Bring these lactation cookies to a nursing mother, she deserves them!
Need an amazing lactation cookie recipe? Here it is! We know breast milk is great nourishment for baby, but all those calories have to come from somewhere: mom’s diet! According to the Mayo Clinic,...
Is Waldorf school right for your kids? 3 reasons it was for ours
If I could offer my children only one thing in their entire lives it would be the social and emotional skills to know themselves and relate well to others. I know my kids won't...
Your Guide to a Screen-Free Week
In case you haven’t seen the Tweets, the Facebook posts or the emails -- It’s Screen-Free Week (April 29-May 30).
No, screens are not the devil, and this post is not meant to preach. As...
Do Your Own Nanny Taxes — for free!
When we first did the math on raising twins in D.C., hiring a nanny instead of day care seemed to make sense. But I knew that that would also mean doing paperwork and paying...
3 Ways to Not Buy New Clothes and Toys
Confession: Being a mom has made me kind of a lousy environmentalist. I put my kids in disposable diapers; I pack their snacks in plastic baggies. I make quick calculations about what will save...
Raising boys, not ‘bums’
As a little girl, I loved “The Paper Bag Princess,” a story about a princess named Elizabeth who single-handedly defeats the dragon that had destroyed her castle and kidnapped her prince. But when she...
3 Books to Help Working Moms (and Dads) Manage it All
If you are a child or the ‘80s or ‘90s you were probably taught that you could “have it all”: the career, happy kids, a loving husband, fun, friends and a fit body, too....