Quick and healthy 5 ingredient Peanut Butter Energy Balls. Loaded with oats, peanut butter, and chia seeds these Energy balls make the perfect healthy protein-packed breakfast or snack.  If you have a toddler at home you have probably wondered more...
Everyone has heard "It takes a village" - its one of those phrases that rightfully should continue to be repeated over and over because it rings true. But how do you find your village? How do you find the...
Isn't Every Day Naturally Full of "Special Time" for Kids? Playing together every day offers tons of "Special Time" for children naturally, doesn't it? We purposefully under-schedule our days to allow for large chunks of long, uninterrupted free play where...
Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. People often question: “Even more than Christmas?” For me, it’s a no-brainer – ABSOLUTELY! This was true for me even as a child and teenager. I am very grateful that I grew up...
Tis the season to give thanks.  With whining toddlers, dirty diapers, and stress at home and work, many of us forget just how much we have to be thankful for amid all the chaos.  Thanksgiving provides parents with an...
My son recently started a new daycare. He had been at his previous daycare for two years, but at 2 ½, my husband and I felt it was time for him to be in a “preschool atmosphere.” We have...
I remember when Halloween felt like one of the most exciting days of the year! In grade school, my friends and I would meticulously plan our costumes and trick or treating route. We'd count and trade our candy on...
  As parents, we want to think that we know what is right for our children. We usually do, but there are times when help and collective wisdom are much needed. My first child went to daycare at 7 months. It...
Amazing Athletes of DC & Montgomery County is a mobile sports business that offers young children sport enrichment programs at their school or daycare. Kids can take weekly, year-round (50 weeks/year) classes during their regularly scheduled school day. The kids have a...
Traveling with an infant seemed stressful at the time. I hate to say it, but traveling with a toddler is worse, in our case. My son usually slept peacefully through flights as an infant, but as a toddler, it’s...
My Gym Bethesda and My Gym Potomac are a long-standing local Washington, DC Area businesses that provide indoor space for kids to play and learn. I recently took our 21-month-old to the My Gym Bethesda location and we had...
Raised Real is a new box subscription service for healthy single-serve meals for babies and toddlers. I just tried my first ever box of Raised Real Foods for our 21-month-old and I love it! I easily ordered my box online...
My daughter has never been a big eater. When we introduced solids at 6 months, she had no interest. At our pediatrician’s recommendation, we didn’t push the solid food too hard, but continued trying for months with no progress...

Joy’s Screen Time Limits

I just wrote a post about having the confidence to just say no to more and more screen time for our little ones. And how freeing, calming, and joyful it is to watch your children delve into a variety of...

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In + Around DC

Ultimate Spray Parks, Splash Pads, and Water Parks Guide for DC,...

This spray, splash, and water park guide was created by Julie Hart, and updated by Stephanie Shipman, and Courtney Whittington. One of the best places...