The earliest years of a child’s life are filled with crucial “a-ha!” moments as they make countless connections between thoughts, topics, and their surroundings. They absorb new ideas like sponges, fueled by a sense of wonder—developing interests, forming inquisitive...
Recently, weight watchers has gotten into some hot water for promoting a dieting app designed for children. In my opinion that flack is well deserved. Research shows that children as young at 5 (or in some studies as young...
In our household, Fall means football season, growing up in South Louisiana, we are big LSU fans. Now that we call DC home, we have adopted a love for the Redskins. You can often find my husband and kids...
This is a short story of what a typical morning in our homeschool life looks like. I'm a homeschool mom of 4 children ages 11, 8, 5, and 3. Life is busy at this stage of our lives and sometimes...
Like you, I know exactly where I was when I learned about the Sandy Hook School shooting in December of 2012: I was walking across the campus near the teaching hospital where I worked, nine months pregnant, when I...
Head lice cases are on the rise in Arlington, VA and Washington DC Metropolitan Area. Parents are reporting their kids having lice two or more times per year compared to never getting lice in previous years. Over half of...
I have many happy memories of Halloween. My mom made amazing costumes every year, and every year she made them super last minute. My dad decorated our house with spooky decorations, and together my parents threw a Halloween party...
Fall is my favorite time of year in DC with all the great Halloween events and fall festivals and pumpkin patches.  This year, though, I would like to propose a new addition to the family fun agenda and suggest...
Yes, my kids have been in school for several weeks and by now I should be in a good groove. Let me go back 6 years. I am pregnant with my second baby and we are in the process...
This is a guest post from Andrea Powell. Walking alongside my five year old daughter as we explore the National Zoo, I treasure the delight that makes her lips curve into a huge toothless grin when she sees her favorite...
My children are 8 and 5 years old, pretty magical ages when I stop to appreciate it. They are old enough for adventures, conversations, and chapter books, but still young enough to climb in my lap and ask me...
Halloween is no longer confined to a single day of celebration. If you have the inclination, you could easily stretch out your love of all things spooky for the whole month of October. We have compiled a list of...
Halloween is my Superbowl. I spend weeks preparing and the full day executing a number of events in school, at home and in the neighborhood. I have always loved Halloween, but when we moved into a new neighborhood three...
My Experience with Postpartum Anxiety I was familiar with postpartum depression (PPD) and knew all the signs to look out for. But what I felt after my son was born was different. Like many moms, I felt an immediate, overwhelming...

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In + Around DC

Ultimate Spray Parks, Splash Pads, and Water Parks Guide for DC,...

This spray, splash, and water park guide was created by Julie Hart, and updated by Stephanie Shipman, and Courtney Whittington. One of the best places...