We all fear what will happen to our children when we are not there to protect them.  In light of Bullying Prevention Month and Learning Disabilities Awareness Month, it is hard for me to face my biggest fear as...
Mary Poppins said it best in the song Where the Lost Things Go by Marc Shaiman & Scott Wittman. Please watch full song here and read lyrics here.  Memories you've shed Gone for good you feared They're all around you still Though they've disappeared Nothing's really left Or lost without a...
Many of us growing up learning that talking about politics and religion in public is a no-no. But in this area the rules of public discourse are completely different, we ask people what they do when we first meet them, we...
Working is all I have ever known. I took my first job when I was 14 and have worked ever since! I worked until I was 38 weeks pregnant and returning to work was always my plan. Fast forward 2...
I haven't owned a car since the Clinton presidency, so it was a very long time ago. Since being car-less, I've become adept at using public transit and curating my life in a way that works without a car....
This post has been edited, we removed Docatot because it is not safe for sleep. Always use manufacturers guidelines when it comes to their product. Thanks for reading! Last spring, pregnant with baby number three, my cell phone began to...
October is here. A season full of family fun! Most of us have our calendars full with pumpkin patches, fall festivals, Halloween Events, fall photo sessions and of course, getting ready for halloween. For us, it also means finding ways...
The earliest years of a child’s life are filled with crucial “a-ha!” moments as they make countless connections between thoughts, topics, and their surroundings. They absorb new ideas like sponges, fueled by a sense of wonder—developing interests, forming inquisitive...
Recently, weight watchers has gotten into some hot water for promoting a dieting app designed for children. In my opinion that flack is well deserved. Research shows that children as young at 5 (or in some studies as young...
In our household, Fall means football season, growing up in South Louisiana, we are big LSU fans. Now that we call DC home, we have adopted a love for the Redskins. You can often find my husband and kids...
This is a short story of what a typical morning in our homeschool life looks like. I'm a homeschool mom of 4 children ages 11, 8, 5, and 3. Life is busy at this stage of our lives and sometimes...
Like you, I know exactly where I was when I learned about the Sandy Hook School shooting in December of 2012: I was walking across the campus near the teaching hospital where I worked, nine months pregnant, when I...
Head lice cases are on the rise in Arlington, VA and Washington DC Metropolitan Area. Parents are reporting their kids having lice two or more times per year compared to never getting lice in previous years. Over half of...
I have many happy memories of Halloween. My mom made amazing costumes every year, and every year she made them super last minute. My dad decorated our house with spooky decorations, and together my parents threw a Halloween party...

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One of the first decisions many parents make (sometimes even before their child is born!) is where they'll send their little ones to daycare....

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