Black Lives Matter and our kids' bookshelves should reflect that. Here are 33 excellent books to add to your home library that highlight race and black history. As parents, it is our job to teach our kids how to combat...
The phrase “it takes a village” is one that deeply resonates with most moms. We know that being a mother can be one of the most joyful experiences in the world, but at times, it can also be incredibly...
We are now in the second week of all the unknowns and changes to our daily lives, the famous quote by Mr. Rogers comes to mind: “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news,...
These certainly are strange times.   As an introvert, staying home is not super daunting for me. However as a mom of three kids 5 and under, with a husband who still has to work, and as someone who (despite being...
On the evening of March 9, 2020, you will hear people in costume yelling "Booooooo" in synagogues all over the Washington Metropolitan Region (and the world). No, it isn't a springtime Halloween or even March Madness, it is the...
We are leaning into our Cultivate Community Challenge and going deeper with Part II. Right now is the perfect time to look around at the people in your life and work on fostering deeper friendships. Friendships take work and...
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday month is always inspirational. The year is new, and we are all usually thinking of the best way to be our best selves. Let's start with being good neighbors. My Experience When I moved to...
Moms, we need one another. We need friendship, we need community, we need to know we aren't alone. The heart behind DC Area Moms Blog is to help connect moms in meaningful, useful ways. To help us all create...
Whether you're a mom who's brand new to the Washington, DC area or a seasoned Metrobus rider who's had addresses in all four quadrants, the DC Area Moms Blog is the best go-to resource to connect with a community...
It's the most wonderful time of the year. No, not the first day of school after summer break. It's the Holiday Season! You will probably attend a party or two, but how about hosting one? Hosting a party is...
We are grateful for the sponsor of this guide: Kelly Kelley with Compass Real Estate. Kelly Kelley is an expert for this area. Please be sure to check out thorough details about her practice below. We are thankful for her sponsorship, which...
In our household, Fall means football season, growing up in South Louisiana, we are big LSU fans. Now that we call DC home, we have adopted a love for the Redskins. You can often find my husband and kids...
Like you, I know exactly where I was when I learned about the Sandy Hook School shooting in December of 2012: I was walking across the campus near the teaching hospital where I worked, nine months pregnant, when I...
Halloween is my Superbowl. I spend weeks preparing and the full day executing a number of events in school, at home and in the neighborhood. I have always loved Halloween, but when we moved into a new neighborhood three...

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In + Around DC

Ultimate Spray Parks, Splash Pads, and Water Parks Guide for DC,...

This spray, splash, and water park guide was created by Julie Hart, and updated by Stephanie Shipman, and Courtney Whittington. One of the best places...