FREE Fill in the Blank Thank You Card Printable


Does your kiddo have thank you cards to send, but they aren’t totally ready to write entire sentences yet? Here is our FREE fill in the blank thank you card printable. It is simple and makes thank you card writing easier! It is a plain print, so children can decorate it themselves for any holiday, birthday, etc.

We love how kids can fill in the blanks on these free printable cards with the essential information while still being creative. Writing thank you cards is an important skill and seems more accessible when half of it is already written! Plus, it’s printable from home (or at the library) with whatever paper you have on hand. We made sure the lines were spaced out so kids have plenty of room to write on too!

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Free fill in the blank thank you printable
Free fill in the blank thank you printable

Fill in the blank thank you card printable ideas

When filling in the blanks, I write out the words on a separate sheet of paper for them to copy if they need to. Here are some examples of words I have used for the third and fourth fill-in-the-blank section:

I can’t wait to: play dolls/cars/legos, hang out, visit, play games with you, see you again, etc.

You are a great: friend, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, best friend, godparent, etc.

Some ideas to decorate the free fill-in-the-blank printable are markers, colors, stickers, stamps, paint, etc. Writing and designing thank you cards can be a fun activity. If your child is super young, you can certainly fill in the blanks and only have them decorate it in their own special way!

When writing thank you cards becomes a fun (doable!) activity, it will happen and it’s a good habit to help foster while kiddos are young. Have fun creating and mailing these to friends and family near and far. Or pop a card in the backpack of a school friend.

>> Click here for FREE PRINTABLE <<

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Courtney Whittington
Courtney was born and raised in Louisiana where she met her husband (married in 2005). They have moved several times, but finally feel very settled in NW DC after moving back in 2016. She has four energetic kids: Cormac (2010), Evangeline (2013), Solomon (2016), and Antoinette (2019). She thinks motherhood is absolutely wonderful, but is constantly trying to figure out how to manage it all. She spends her days talking Star Wars, playing with legos, doing crafts, having tea parties, and chasing her toddler. Motherhood is wonderful and wild and in 2017 she banded together with other mothers to start DC Area Moms to inspire, learn, and grow together. She loves morning coffee, chocolate, chatting with people since she's an extrovert, a clean house (which is rare these days). She dislikes when her kids don't listen the first time, she abhors littering, and doesn't enjoy shopping. 


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