Aimee Lorge

Aimee Lorge
Aimee is a freelance writer and personal essayist with a focus on family, career and the unique intersection of both in the military spouse experience. She is the very thankful (and tired) mother of two boys and one girl. Likes: London and all things royal, modern art (the weirder, the better), memoirs, hot strong coffee, audiobooks with great narrators, documentaries, libraries (especially old ones), exploring DC. Dislikes: cold weather, traffic, dental work, conflict, car maintenance, paperwork, daylight savings time, customer service call trees and spam emails.
aviation attractions DC

Have A Little Flyer? Don’t Miss These DC Aviation Attractions!

“Go, go, go!” My two little boys are interested in anything and everything that moves (planes, trains and automobiles, anyone?). Since we drive by Reagan National Airport and see planes overhead often, their interest...

The ABCs of Staying Home During Covid

Before staying home during quarantine, I had never made banana bread. Or whipped coffee. And I had certainly never considered where to get a face mask and whether it coordinated with my outfits, highlighted...

The Only Thing Worse Than Quarantine with Small Children? Quarantine Without Them.

My husband and I have three small children (ages 3, 2, and 8 months). Staying home and entertaining them all is already difficult. Staying home with them and attempting to work is harder still....

One Parenting Decision That Is None of Your Business

Lactivists fight for the normalization of breastfeeding and with good reason. Many of my friends have shared stories with me about having been shamed for breastfeeding in public, encouraged to retreat to a bathroom,...

Three Reasons To Potty Train While You Stay Home

This article does contain a sponsored link from BetterHelp. I never would have guessed that I’d be writing about potty training during a pandemic but here we are. I know this may not be what...

Creating a Memorable Easter at Home

Good news: the Easter Bunny is not under a stay-at-home order and will be delighting children with treats this weekend. Bad news: just about everything else about this Easter will be different, thanks to...

5 Lessons from My First 2 Weeks of Coronavirus Quarantine

Like most people, I had a sense that COVID-19 was going to result in my family being quarantined. I stocked up on essentials, cleaned, organized and sanitized our home in preparation for our family...

50 Tiny Resolutions For Busy Moms

Ahhh… New Year’s resolutions. By this point, you may be keeping yours or you may have already given up. I have been guilty of making huge, sweeping resolutions. You know the kind: “This is...

Three Products My Third Baby Is Loving

By the time I had my third child, I thought I had it all figured out. I knew we used Halo swaddles, Similac formula, and an Ergo carrier. These tools worked for the first...

Five Ways to Save Money on Baby Formula

I know that breastmilk is called liquid gold but if you’ve ever paid for baby formula, you may think liquid gold is what you’re buying. According to some estimates the typical cost of a...

Safe Sleep Options After the Rock’n Play Recall

This post has been edited, we removed Docatot because it is not safe for sleep. Always use manufacturers guidelines when it comes to their product. Thanks for reading! Last spring, pregnant with baby number three,...

Book Recommendations for Busy Moms

Reading As Self-Care Moms are busy. Summer is gone, along with extra time for fun and activities galore. Finding time to read as busy mom is hard--you can find yourself lucky to page through an old Pottery...

5 Ways to Celebrate Back to School, Even If You Don’t Have A School...

Last year a friend posted a sweet photo of her and her infant on social media. Captioned “Back to School” mom and daughter were at Starbucks enjoying a pumpkin spice latte and embracing a...

Make World Breastfeeding Week More Inclusive

World Breastfeeding Week is an annual celebration held from August 1-7 to protect, promote and support breastfeeding. My first child was born on August 1 so that date (and the week) has special significance...