There’s a lot of talk right now about toxin-free living. Maybe you’re a skeptic of this movement, much like I used to be. But my mind started to change as more research came out about the harmful effects of...
With summer almost over (or over for some today!), school prep is in order. For me, it means it's time to deal with the stack of last year's school papers sitting on my dining room table.  This stack includes all...

Joy’s Screen Time Limits

I just wrote a post about having the confidence to just say no to more and more screen time for our little ones. And how freeing, calming, and joyful it is to watch your children delve into a variety of...
With back to school just around the corner, here are 9 tips and tricks to get organized as summer comes to an end. 1. Make a list of school supplies needed and shop ahead of time. Whether your school provides a...
Is Breastfeeding Really A Choice? When I was pregnant I was regularly asked if I would breastfeed. My reply of “I’m going to try” left many people confused and prompted a few insensitive remarks. My pregnancy was high risk due to...
Now that school is out and summer is well underway, we’ve been experiencing some changes in routine. Some days our schedule is jam-packed. Other days I’m scrounging for things to do to keep my little one stimulated and having...
The physical environment I am in influences my psychological well being. I don’t think this is a profound statement. Of course, it affects everyone. Yet, I have so many friends who are parents who tell me they hate their...
Baskets are a simple, energy-preserving solution to organize We recently moved from a single floor, two-bedroom apartment to a four-bedroom house with three floors. My youngest was about 4 months old, and I was still recovering from the wreckage done...
My husband and I spent most of our "short" 1.5 years of parenthood far from family, which can be difficult in many aspects. How do you ensure that your children grow up feeling connected to their extended family when...
I'm proud to say that I've been a plant lady since 2011, and along the way I've learned a lot of tips and tricks. Long before it was the hottest trend to own plants, I've craved the peace they provide...
Is summer travel with your kids stressing you out? There is no shortage of blog posts with great ideas to make traveling with your kids smoother. But have you ever thought about the impact of your own thinking on...
If you are a child or the ‘80s or ‘90s you were probably taught that you could “have it all”: the career, happy kids, a loving husband, fun, friends and a fit body, too. Then came a new millennium...
If you plan on feeding your new baby breast milk and don't plan to exclusively feed on the breasts, then you need to start thinking about breast pumps. Here are my experiences after nearly 7 months of pumping full-time.  Medela...
Let’s be serious…traveling with your kids is not a vacation, it’s a trip and it often requires a lot of preparation, organization, and packing! Whether you are traveling with or without kids, these packing tips will help you prepare...

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In + Around DC

Ultimate Spray Parks, Splash Pads, and Water Parks Guide for DC,...

This spray, splash, and water park guide was created by Julie Hart, and updated by Stephanie Shipman, and Courtney Whittington. One of the best places...