5 Simple Ways to Make Valentine’s Day Special for Your Kids


With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I know you’re busy juggling a million things. But fear not! Here are five simple ways to make Valentine’s Day special for your kids without adding stress to your already hectic schedule.

1. Valentine’s Day Countdown Calendar

Life is a whirlwind, and sometimes we forget to savor the moments. Create a simple Valentine’s Day countdown calendar (I love this one from Celebration Stylist) or make your own. Each morning, have your little ones put a themed sticker on it as they count down to the big day. It’s a fun and visual way to build excitement, and it only takes a couple of minutes each day.

Simple Ways to Make Valentine's Day Special for your Kids
Simple Ways to Make Valentine’s Day Special for your kids – Valentine’s Day countdown calendar from Celebration Stylist

Tip: Set a reminder on your phone to ensure a smooth countdown, even on the busiest mornings.

2. Fondue Fun

Switch up the afternoon routine by surprising your little ones with a fondue snack. Set up a mini fondue station with their favorite dippables like strawberries, graham crackers, and pretzels. This interactive and tasty treat will add a touch of sweetness to their day.  No Fondue set?  No problem!  Jane Brosseau shares 5 Easy Valentine’s Day Treats for Kids.

Tip: Don’t forget the napkins for those messy, delightful moments!

3. Hearts on the Door

Here’s a heartwarming (and time-efficient) tradition: every night leading up to Valentine’s Day, place a heart on your kid’s bedroom door. Write one thing you love about them on the heart (cut them out of paper you have at home or get these pre-cut hearts). It could be something simple like their silly laugh or their hugs. It’s a quick and easy way to add a daily dose of affection. Also, if you are a little late, it’s ok to start this whenever! It could be over the course of 10 days, 7 days, etc. 

Simple Ways to Make Valentine's Day Special for your Kids
Simple Ways to Make Valentine’s Day Special for your kids – Hearts on their door.

Tip: Get the kids involved! Let them decorate their own hearts for added personalization.

4. Lunchbox Surprises

Surprise your little by including their favorite treat or a heartfelt note (or pre-made notes) in their school lunchbox. It could be a piece of their favorite chocolate or a note expressing how much you love them. The little surprise will brighten their day.

Tip: Prep the treat or note the night before to streamline your busy morning.

5. Love-Filled Storytime

End your Valentine’s Day on a cozy note by having a heartfelt story time session. Visit your local library for books about love, kindness, and family. Gather the kids on the couch, snuggle up with blankets, and create a warm atmosphere as you read stories. 

Tip: Let each family member take turns choosing a story to make it a collective experience.

In the midst of our busy lives, we don’t have to go overboard to leave a lasting impact on our kids. This Valentine’s Day, focus on these simple ways to make Valentine’s Day special for your kids and you’ll make it a magical holiday.  If you’re looking for more great ideas check out this article from Isabel Pak with 30 Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Kids.  (My personal favorites are #13 and #20!)


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