My 10 Favorite Books in Spanish for Toddlers


We are celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month until October 15, so I am sharing my son’s favorite 10 books in Spanish for toddlers. Some of these books are in only Spanish and others are in English and Spanish. We read these over and over again and hope you enjoy them as much as we do!

We really love books by one of our favorite authors is Amalia Low. Nearly all of the books below are on Amazon, but request them from your local library, or better yet, shop at your local bookstore. Happy reading!

Our 10 Favorite Books in Spanish for Toddlers:

  1. El Elefante Flaco y La Jirafa Gorda (The Skinny Elephant and Fat Giraffe)
  2. El Rinoceronte Peludo (The Hairy Rhinoceros) 
  3. El Flamenco Calvo (The Bald Flamingo)
  4. La Tortuga Ganadora (The Winning Turtle)
  5. Valientes Creadoras de la Historia (Courageous History Makers) – 11 women from Latin America who changed the world
  6. Pioneros Audaces (Fearless Trailblazers) – 11 Latinos who made U.S. history
  7. Se Audaz Se Valiente (Be Bold Be Brave) – 11 Latinas who made U.S. history
  8. El Principito (The Little Prince)
  9. EL Libro Mágico de Pombo (The Magic Book of Pombo) 
  10. Don Quijote de la Mancha

    books in spanish for toddlers

What are some of your favorite Spanish books for toddlers? Leave them in the comments!

This article does contain Amazon Affiliate Links. If you choose to purchase through these links a teeny tiny portion goes to support our site and we would be so grateful!

best books in Spanish for toddlers