>>> Enter to win one week of Camp Q here! <<< It was Thursday, March 12 and I was awoken by the synchronous sound of an early morning text landing, the rare ring of our landline, and the footsteps of my...
This guest article is written by Chelsey Christensen.  Part II: Partial Molar Pregnancy As it turns out I am not 1-in-4. Instead I’m 1-in-1,000. My journey towards wholeness and healing couldn’t begin after my D&C. Instead, an agonizing wait for test results...
This post about Earth Day's 50th Anniversary is written by Guest Writers: Seema Thomas and Junu Shrestha The thoughts presented in the article are the writers' own and do not represent views of the organizations they are employed in. Please note...
This guest article is written by Chelsey Christensen.   Part I: My Pregnancy and Pregnancy Loss This was supposed to be a time of joy and excitement, a time when we finally shared our amazing news with the world. We had seen...
One way that we have been transitioning to our new quarantine homeschool life is by doing family STEM projects where all the children, teens through toddlers can participate. STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Our...
This article does contain a sponsored link from BetterHelp. I never would have guessed that I’d be writing about potty training during a pandemic but here we are. I know this may not be what you want to read. Sure,...
Good news: the Easter Bunny is not under a stay-at-home order and will be delighting children with treats this weekend. Bad news: just about everything else about this Easter will be different, thanks to the global health crisis that...
Whether you always knew you wanted to be a parent or became one hesitantly, the reality of having a new baby can be quite a shock. The change and upheaval in your somewhat "normal" life is profound. And as...
With Easter plans officially scrapped, it is time to focus on decorating our house for the most festive, socially distant, self-isolated Easter possible. How are we going to do this? Easter bunny crafts. My nearly four-year-olds and I spent the...
To say that I, and many others, did not expect to be in this position is an understatement. I am 34 weeks pregnant while I write this post, and in my third trimester during COVID-19. I am freaking out...
"Why is tonight different from all other nights?" This is one of the most iconic questions asked during a Passover seder (ritual meal). In celebration of being led out of Egypt from slavery to freedom, Jewish people all over...
As a speech-language pathologist who works in community-based early intervention, I am often challenged with creating and developing strategies that can easily be implemented into a family’s routine and the child’s natural learning environment. I always encourage families to...
Our son Junior, is a Baby Shark fan. It is a really popular song among the toddler set. Junior will sing his punk/metal version of Baby Shark at home, at church, anywhere, and at the top of his lungs....
Like most people, I had a sense that COVID-19 was going to result in my family being quarantined. I stocked up on essentials, cleaned, organized and sanitized our home in preparation for our family of five to stay put....

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