April showers bring May flowers. With the stunning blooming flowers around H Street and Capitol Hill as inspiration, we are making our own indoor May flower garden with flower crafts while continuing to shelter in place.  We made these flower...
Looking For Ways To Support Covid-19 Relief Efforts? Here are 8 Organizations Doing Amazing Things To Help! Before I dive into a list of amazing organizations helping our community through this crisis, I want to give you a big virtual hug....
Lactivists fight for the normalization of breastfeeding and with good reason. Many of my friends have shared stories with me about having been shamed for breastfeeding in public, encouraged to retreat to a bathroom, cover up or go elsewhere....
Like many families this spring, we recently had to cancel our spring travel to Puerto Rico due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While it was disappointing, I was glad to use some of my tips from years of family travel...
It’s spring! Even though life feels upside down because of coronavirus, or perhaps especially because life feels upside down, it can be helpful to pause and enjoy the beauty of spring, no matter how small. Here are two meditative nature...
Anyone with a toddler at home knows the have BIG emotions sometimes. As parents, we want to help our toddlers learn how to manage all those emotions and build upon their emotional intelligence—but where do we start? There are...
Our health insurance's advice nurse services were a much-needed lifeline when we became brand new parents. "Is that normal?" was a frequent question. In Junior's first year, he was sick—a lot. And we called the advice nurse—a lot. Your...
Last year I wrote about what a typical Ramadan in a Muslim household feels like. This year Ramadan comes and possibly will end during a worldwide pandemic. It will have a different flavor and different challenges. A big part of...
I recently had my second child. I live in a 4 bedroom house, so it's not small, but let me just tell you - it feels that way with the amount of toys, dirty diapers, swings, burp cloths, swaddles...
The phrase “it takes a village” is one that deeply resonates with most moms. We know that being a mother can be one of the most joyful experiences in the world, but at times, it can also be incredibly...
Talon. . . Aerie. . . Raptor! These words fly to mind as Geneva Day School pre-kindergartners pull out their science notebooks for observation of the National Arboretum Eagle Camera. Trained on a nest, tucked high in a poplar tree,...
If you are concerned about infertility or perhaps have been recently diagnosed with infertility (or maybe secondary infertility), you may be searching for information about the treatment options to help you to have a baby. Many people have heard...
This is a wild time in the world right now trying to keep up with all.the.things. Worrying about loved ones, educating the kids, keeping the house tidy, feeding kids, working intermittently, preparing meals again and again, etc. In our...
When you are ready to have a baby, it can be incredibly emotional when it doesn’t happen as quickly as you hoped. After several months, you may start to worry about infertility. Here are 5 quick facts about infertility...

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One of the first decisions many parents make (sometimes even before their child is born!) is where they'll send their little ones to daycare....

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