Two months before I was due to give birth in 2018, I was laid off from my company. It is tough to get laid off to begin with, but add the stress of having to care for a new...
A couple of months ago, I received some unexpected mail from one of my oldest, best friends. She is also my sorority sister. It was a simple note telling me that she was thinking of me with all that’s...
I am deeply saddened and disturbed by what's happening right now. And while there's a lot to say, the truth is that there's nothing new I can say that will change anything. However, what's happened this week affects all...
January has arrived, which means that people everywhere are promising themselves that things will be different this year. They are planning to make huge changes to their lives based on what they think they should be doing. I generally...
2020 has been quite a year! We have so much to be thankful for, but it was also really hard. We hope 2021 is a wonderful year for all of you with health, happiness, and fun memories. We are...
All of us at DC Area Moms are grateful for YOU, our reader. We are planning for 2021 and we’d love to hear from you! The information you share helps us serve families just like yours with useful content....
My son is racing towards the grand old age of 1 and I have been thinking about how his arrival has shaped me. I could write plenty about my first foray into motherhood – the worry, the peer pressure, the...
I have struggled to write this piece. Oh, it was fine kicking the idea around in my brain last month. I planned to share a little bit of my non-pandemic-related experience in needing to slow down and stay home with...
It is very hard not to look at someone else's seemingly perfect life and be jealous, and that's never been more true in this pandemic. It's been a challenge for every family, even the ones who might seem to...
It's been 3 years since my children’s father and I decided to separate. And, it's been 2 ½ years since we shared the news with the kiddos, and when I began to live single. At the time of our...
The Washington, DC area is full of amazing moms: working moms, stay-at-home moms, single moms, moms of multiples, etc. We want to highlight some of those moms! Each month we will feature one special mom as the mom of...
A friend of ours, who adopted using the same agency we used, told me if I wanted to adopt again, start as soon as possible. When I reached out to the agency, the social worker said the wait time...
As a white parent of a white son, I feel a strong responsibility to teach my child about racial justice. I believe the last thing this country needs is another entitled white man. In our neighborhood, we also regularly...
All marriages go through seasons, but “Pandemic” is probably the season you never saw coming. Maybe the pandemic has been a blessing to your marriage, providing simplified schedules, more margin to connect, and an opportunity to re-prioritize time as...

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One of the first decisions many parents make (sometimes even before their child is born!) is where they'll send their little ones to daycare....

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