It was the fall of 2012 and within the past six months, I had lost my Mom and had my second child. I was sitting on a bike by the internal window of the spin studio in my gym...
I’m sharing my dad’s story with his permission. Just A Regular Day It was around 5:00 pm the day before Thanksgiving. My dad ran to the store to grab some last minute food for Thanksgiving dinner. He told me how great he was feeling...
Everyone has heard "It takes a village" - its one of those phrases that rightfully should continue to be repeated over and over because it rings true. But how do you find your village? How do you find the...
Last month a collective round of applause was heard around the world when former First Lady Michelle Obama testified to what we all know to be true about work/life balance. As Mrs. Obama put it: “That whole, so you can...
Right now there is a lot of hype about New Year's Resolutions. We all say we want to eat better, exercise more, lose a few pounds, yell less to our kids, keep our house cleaner, be on time, the...
When people are making New Year's resolutions, healthy eating and weight loss are always at the top of many peoples' lists. The options and programs for doing so are endless, but there is one that had caught my eye...
Have you made any resolutions for 2019? Maybe to get healthier or eat better? Whatever it might be, here are some thoughts to consider while you approach your New Year's resolutions and one suggested goal for 2019.  New Year's resolutions...
Poppins Payroll, a payroll company for household employers, has recently launched their all-inclusive service in Maryland and Virginia (and will launch in DC proper in 6 months). Poppins can handle ALL of your household payrolls for just over a $1 a...
Thankfully, my son doesn’t have food allergies, but he goes to school with children that do.  Chances are that your child does too. Food allergies in children are fairly common, affecting about one in every 13 children, or about...
Many people in this region of the country are minimalists like myself. It’s often driven by multiple factors including necessity, with the high cost of living and smaller living spaces, as well as eco-consciousness. Plus, I think, the minimalist...
Isn't Every Day Naturally Full of "Special Time" for Kids? Playing together every day offers tons of "Special Time" for children naturally, doesn't it? We purposefully under-schedule our days to allow for large chunks of long, uninterrupted free play where...
Everyone loves finding those super cute craft ideas on Pinterest that you think your child’s teacher will love! The white handprints on blue paper transformed into adorable snowflakes, crayons glued into a wreath-shape circle, monogrammed hall passes, you get...
Every year when the holidays roll around, I find myself struggling to come up with a creative and meaningful gift for my husband. Neither of us are very big "gift" people, and are in a phase of life when...
Recently I had the opportunity to chat with Nicole Lapin to gather her insights on how to approach holiday budgeting from a financial perspective. While this may be the most wonderful time of the year, it is common to...

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In + Around DC

Ultimate Spray Parks, Splash Pads, and Water Parks Guide for DC,...

This spray, splash, and water park guide was created by Julie Hart, and updated by Stephanie Shipman, and Courtney Whittington. One of the best places...