Take care of yourself, mama!
You’ve heard it before, “put on your oxygen mask first;” “fill your own cup first;” “take care of yourself;” or “invest in self-care.”
Especially as a mom, you likely hear these phrases often. You KNOW taking care of yourself is a good thing.
Of course, you know this. And yet it may fall low on your priority list because you take care of everyone and everything else in your world.
Also this may happen even more during the holiday season, as you focus your time and energy on making it MAGICAL for your kids. Check out the lovely Winter Holiday Guide on our site to help you navigate the holidays and ease your load a bit.
Certainly, you can make it MAGICAL for your kids AND take care of yourself in the process. This way you can enjoy some of the magic as well.
And let’s be real, YOU are MAGIC!! Consequently, when you take good care of yourself, you are able to tap into that more often!!
More Energy, Less Stress
How many times have you said to yourself, “I wish I had a bit more energy!”
I hear you, mama.
A few years back I was burnt out and exhausted. I had way too much on my plate and I couldn’t see another way.
I went to a self-care workshop where I heard the speaker talk about four different types of energy: emotional, mental, physical and spiritual. The speaker went on to explain that we CAN boost our energy in these different areas.
It shifted how I approached and scheduled my days, weeks, and months.
It especially shifted how I approached the holiday season.
Every year I would tell myself, “I am going to enjoy the holidays to the max;” “I am not going to stress out;” “I am going to make time for the things that I enjoy too!” And every year I would feel heightened levels of stress, until I focused on how to boost my energy levels.
As the winter holidays are upon us, create some MAGIC for yourself by carving out some time to boost YOUR energy. Pull out the calendar and schedule those energy boosting activities. Before you schedule anything else, schedule those activities and then plan around it.
Four Dimensions of Energy
Below are the four dimensions of energy and a few examples for boosting your energy in each of the areas:
- Emotional Energy: increase your energy by spending quality time with friends; having an overnight date night without the kids, saying no to anything that’s not a total “Yes!”
- Mental Energy: increase your energy by only checking emails twice a day; reading books that have nothing to do with work; spending more time in quiet; creating long stretches of time for deep work.
- Physical Energy: increase your energy by moving your body more; drinking less alcohol; getting more sleep; drinking more water.
- Spiritual Energy: increase your energy by spending time in nature; doing what nurtures your spirit; meditating; saying 3 things you’re grateful for when you wake up or go to sleep.
Well-being Worksheet
Here is a great well-being worksheet to support you with identifying and prioritizing specific things that SUPPORT you with boosting your energy! Use this worksheet to boost your well-being and take care of yourself in a way that feels good to YOU!!
Download it for free, print it, fill it out and keep it somewhere to remind you to regularly practice things that boost your energy.
>> Click to print <<

Cheers to your health and well-being and boosting energy during the holidays!