The Essential Emergency List for Moms


If you’re a mom, you’ve most likely had an emergency at some point. As in “my kid has pink eye but I really need them at school/ daycare tomorrow” or “Um, I think that’s lice…or is it mulch pieces?” Or the earache when your pediatrician’s office is closed. Or your child breaks out in a severe allergic reaction after eating peanut butter…. And the pediatrician is closed, or your partner isn’t home and you can’t leave your other child(ren), or a dozen other reasons why this is terrible timing. I’ve been there and I know other moms have too. This essential emergency list is curated to help as a resource in those dire moments. Save it, tape it up somewhere, because you most likely will need it at some point! And if you never do, then good on you!

1. All Things Medical

Of course, having a first aid kit on hand is essential, but sometimes we need Urgent Care and go-to experts.

2. Let’s Talk Lice

Just writing about it makes my head itch… If you have small children, you have probably had a lice outbreak at some point. Initially I tried getting ride of them myself, but I quickly realized this is a great time for outsourcing and paying the experts.

  • Lice Clinic of America -This is a franchise. They are quick, efficient, and have a 30-day guarantee…in case the creepy crawlers come back.
  • Lice Happens – They come to your home and take care of lice in your house!
  • Parents can watch this video for tips to get rid of lice. From what I have heard, use lots of conditioner and this lice comb while combing through the hair in sections.
  • Use this to prevent lice from happening. And wash or bag everything!


3. Fire Emergency Prevention

4. Choking Emergency

5. Drive-Through Coffee Shops

If you’re a (new) mom and your baby/ little one falls asleep in the car, that is precious time. You want your little one to sleep, but you’re tired. So, so tired. Drive-through coffee shops are a godsend. Here are a few in the NoVa area!

A friendly reminder to get fellow moms’ numbers in the neighborhood or at school is a great idea too. You never know when you may need them or they may need you! Things happen and it is good to reach out to a friend or neighbor who may be going through or has dealt with similar situations. Or if they simply need an egg for a cake for their kids birthday party tomorrow!

Lastly, while this isn’t necessarily an emergency, sometimes we can feel like it is. Finding tutoring services, ordering groceries, having a house cleaner pop by, getting car work done with Roda, etc. can take a weight off your shoulders. If you need these “essential” services to keep sane, do it!


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