Tamieka Muns
The 15 Best Local Holiday Markets and Craft Fairs
I love personal handcrafted gifts, but I'm not a crafty, DIY kind of mom. I am typically more of a what can I order last minute kind of mom. But have no fear my...
Tips for a Minimally Stressful Senior Year
Last month, my daughter graduated from high school. She's headed off to college with a substantial scholarship from her top choice school and I could not be more proud. Since she is our oldest,...
To Motherless Mothers on Mother’s Day
I joined the club no one wants to be a part of nine years ago, the club of women who lost their mothers too soon. I am a motherless mother. Now don’t get me...
Top 5 Tech Hacks for Families
My husband is a tech guy and is all about all things technology and home automation. I used to roll my eyes when he would show me a new gadget he purchased, but I...
5 Reasons to Book a Boudoir Photo Shoot Today
"The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.” — Audrey Hepburn
Capture your confidence and beauty in our...
What Black History Month Means to Me
“Those who have no record of what their forebears have accomplished lose the inspiration which comes from the teaching of biography and history.” This Carter G. Woodson quote perfectly sums up what Black History...
Explore Leesylvania State Park Beach in Northern Virginia
Like many others, my family is trying to soak up the last days of summer before the hustle and bustle of the school year starts. So last weekend, we decided to enjoy a picnic...
How I Discovered Myself and My Biological Family Using DNA
My mother was adopted through a private closed adoption. My grandmother never told my mom she was adopted, but one of her cousins told her when she was a teenager. It is unclear if...
The Ever-Present Danger: Gun Violence
The kids have been back in school for well over a month, but I still have not settled in yet. I suspect it is because this year feels different. Like most parents, I agonized...
I’m Preparing to Have “The Talk” With My Black Son
According to a study published by the American Psychological Association, starting at age 10 black boys are viewed as less innocent than their white peers, and are more likely to be mistaken as older,...
To Climb or Not to Climb: How to Decide to Make a Career Move
Let me start by saying that all decisions about whether or not to work outside of the home, whether or not to climb the career ladder, or taking a leap of faith and starting...
3 Tips to Raise Engaged Citizens
Many of us growing up learning that talking about politics and religion in public is a no-no. But in this area the rules of public discourse are completely different, we ask people what they do...
3 New (School) Year’s Resolutions
The lazy days of summer are over. Ok "lazy days" is a gross mischaracterization of summer break, it's really much of the same level of hustle and bustle with higher food and electric bills....