“The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.” — Audrey Hepburn
Capture your confidence and beauty in our private studio at Sweet Memories Photography located in Sterling, VA. Let us help you create stunning, intimate portraits that celebrate your unique femininity. Book your session now and feel empowered like never before.
We offer couples sessions, intimate boudoir, special maternity, stylized sessions, and milk baths! Check out the options on our page for the perfect fit to your personality! http://www.sweetmemphoto.com/boudoir
All sessions are intimate, private, affordable and full of imagination! Do this for you, your significant other, or both of you! We also offer printed albums, wall art and more! This is a unique gift that no one else could possibly give. Contact me to set up a consultation.
Written by Tamieka Muns.
As moms, we are not strangers to planning photo shoots, from newborn photos to fun family photos with coordinated (but not too coordinated) outfits. But I implore you to try out a different kind of photoshoot…boudoir. Last year, I did a boudoir photo shoot for my husband’s birthday. I was a nervous wreck but it ended up being a really fun and unexpectedly empowering experience. Here are 5 reasons to book a boudoir photo shoot:
1. You are hot.
You, yes you…are hot right now. Not 10 lbs from now, not 10 years ago, but right now. Do you ever look back at photos of yourself in your teens and 20s and want to kick yourself for not loving your body back then? Your future self will look at your today self in that same way. Your body is amazing and has done amazing things, celebrate it.

2. You will see yourself in a different light.
Your boudoir photographer will know how to position you for the best possible angles to make sure your assets are captured in the most flattering way. We are all our own toughest critics. Before my shoot, I was concerned about how they would turn out. But when I looked at my images after my shoot, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It was almost like stepping outside of myself and just admiring the beauty of the woman in the photo. I wasn’t critiquing my body or my skin, I was just in awe of this woman I was looking at, in total shock that she was me!
3. Boudoir photos make great gifts.
What you get the man [partner] who has everything…sexy photos of yourself! Remind your partner who you are outside of your role as a mom. Remind yourself! I gave my husband a boudoir album for his birthday. It was so unexpected and the album is something we both love.
4. You can choose your own adventure
Boudoir means a woman’s bedroom or private room. While the shoot may or may not take place in your actual bedroom, your boudoir shoot is yours. Meaning you can make it what you want. It can be as racy or as demure as you like. You can wear whatever you want, from sexy lingerie, to your husband’s favorite jersey. Are you in to props? You can do that too!
5. Do it for you
The shoot itself is an experience…picking out an outfit you feel great in, learning from your photographer how to position your body, previewing your photos. It’s a fun time. And the unexpected perk is that you create a rare block of time that is just about you. And when it is all over, you have amazing photos of yourself that you can look back when you need to remind yourself just how sexy, powerful, and beautiful you are.
Have fun and just do it! Here are a few photographers that specialize in boudoir photos: