A Buy Nothing Group is a group of individuals that openly gift and share items with each other.  Buy Nothing Project started as a “hyper-local gift economy” by two friends in Washington State in 2013.  Since then, it has...
Who doesn’t love Trader Joes? I share my 17 favorite Trader Joe's foods below! Since our first encounter, it was love at first sight. However, I became a real fan during the pandemic. Pre-pandemic, my husband used to do the...
Summer is here! Time to soak up the sunshine and play outside. If you're looking for outside play that is relatively educational, and you have young children learning their colors, try these color match games. You can play all...
Looking for simple, easy, and mostly free, screen-free indoor or outdoor activities for your child? Here's our fun list of screen-free things to do! This is the perfect way to have an old-fashioned, fun, and memorable summer! We are...
When I was pregnant, I could barely walk from my car into my work building without taking a break. And I counted that as my exercise for the day. But when it comes to Lindsay Flach - she's a bit...
“It has the best of it all…great nature with great history!” That is what my 8-year-old son said about our day trip to Mallows Bay-Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary, and he is not wrong. Mallows Bay was designated as a...
The Washington, DC area is full of amazing moms: working moms, stay-at-home moms, single moms, moms of multiples, foster moms, adoptive moms, etc. We want to highlight some of those moms! Each month we will feature one special mom...
It may seem like becoming a parent would make it more difficult to open your home to strangers, but this may be the very best time to do it. Do you have a spare bedroom or a basement apartment? Or...
LGBTQ+ people rarely become parents by accident and embark on a fertility journey. According to Sara List, queer mom of two and award-winning writer, it is difficult "Without a lot of deliberation and planning, though it certainly can happen." And...
While pregnant with my second child, I was excited to embark on another breastfeeding journey. I soon learned that in the four years since having my first, wearable, silent and portable breast pumps had entered the market. What exactly...
When you think of June, what do you think of? The end of school? Summer’s start? Yes, those things are true! Maybe you already know that in the United States we also celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride this month. Perhaps you’ve...
With the vaccination rates and public consumption of the data available, many people are determining their social etiquette post covid vaccine and their level of comfort re-entering the world. In some ways this feels like Brood X emerging, and...
Are you a fan of PJ Linden, the well-known, three dimensional artist? With Dimensional Fabric Paint you can try the precise patterns to make PJ Linden inspired shoes. It requires some practice, yet it is possible. I could not believe...
Happy Pride Month Happy June! And Happy Pride! Do you notice tons of rainbows everywhere? Have you thought about taking your kids to a Pride event? Do you know why Pride matters and why we celebrate in June? Yes, Pride...

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The DC Area’s Best Childcare Providers

One of the first decisions many parents make (sometimes even before their child is born!) is where they'll send their little ones to daycare....

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