"Before I had kids I used to...", "Back in the day...", "It’s been so long since I..." Do you find yourself saying that a lot when someone is asking you about the things that you love to do for fun?  ...
If you plan on feeding your new baby breast milk and don't plan to exclusively feed on the breasts, then you need to start thinking about breast pumps. Here are my experiences after nearly 7 months of pumping full-time.  Medela...
So, I was all set to attend this one-of-a-kind event called the Momference™, described as the first conference for millennial moms of color. It was conceptualized by two DMV-based women, who, like me, are mothers to sons. In fact, my...
Where can you find our family on most Saturday mornings of the year? The soccer field!  Our oldest has been playing soccer since he was three -- those games were notable for the lack of any actual soccer being played. Instead, the...
Supporting the immune system is at the forefront of everyone's mind during cold and flu season, but what about the rest of the year? Spring colds and summer throw-up bugs are just as inconvenient, which is why I have...
Getting through the first trimester of pregnancy can be tough! If you're one of the lucky ones with little to no symptoms, we are all jealous! I am a stay-at-home mom to a toddler, so I was nervous about...
About the Epidural Procedure Epidurals are a very common pain reliever during vaginal delivery. Approximately 60% of women get an epidural in the US. I had a great epidural experience! The process of receiving an epidural is simple: When you are...
I’ve always been afraid of pregnancy. It wasn’t just childbirth that scared me (and boy did it scare me!), but also what pregnancy would do to my body long-term. Would I experience aches and pains indefinitely? Would I pee...
Have you ever wondered why it's easy for you to accomplish some things in life while others seem forever out of reach? As a mindful eating coach,  I talk to moms every day about what it takes to live...
Looking for ways to plan and manage your fertility and family size naturally? For our part, we have chosen natural family planning (NFP). We don’t use hormonal or barrier methods; instead, we track my cycles and plan our sex life accordingly. Every...
The Bright Sun is Out (and so is it's harmful rays)! I grew up in Houston, Texas, where the sun was pretty much out year round. As long as I can remember I loved being out in the sun, playing...
I started my motherhood journey with two beautiful, tiny babies — and I had to ask permission from someone else at the hospital to hold them.  When I was discharged from Sibley Memorial Hospital, and my newborn twins were...
Does the idea of exploring nature with littles leading the way make you sweat? You're not alone! Lots of parents prefer leading to following; however, when we gift our children the chance to lead, we empower them to be confident...

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11 Winter Weekend Getaways at Beaches & Water Parks

If you are a beach person like me, then you are likely craving the ocean! The good news is that going to the beach...

Top 8 Lunar New Year Events