Should I freeze my eggs? It's a question I remember asking myself in my early thirties after a chat with my then boss. She was older than I was and we were talking about trying to have a family, options,...
Guest article by Jennis Horn.  For as long as I have been alive, "What are you?" is a question I’ve been asked frequently. As a biracial child of Korean and American descent, my face understandably confuses people when they try...
Congratulations on deciding to become a nurse! Here are my four tips to survive nursing school. My first major in college was dance, and I spent a few years after college doing what everyone does in the DC area:...
Mother's Day isn't just another Hallmark holiday  Mother's Day for most brings about memories of making cards and other treats for your mother. Then as adults, we have memories of mad dashes online to find some sort of gift or...
It’s no secret I love photo albums! I’ve been creating baby albums and family albums for my clients for a decade. To me, a photo album is like a portal to the past. It is a lasting legacy for...
Spring is in full swing and there are an increasing number of DMV events and attractions to enjoy this May. After a year of closures and cancellations due to the pandemic, things are starting to slowly and carefully reopen....
The Washington, DC area is full of amazing moms: working moms, stay-at-home moms, single moms, moms of multiples, foster moms, adoptive moms, etc. We want to highlight some of those moms! Each month we will feature one special mom...
Having a new baby sparks the greatest joy and love you’ll ever experience. Every Mom wants to give her baby the best of the best -- even during bath time. The luxurious KeaBabies Baby Essentials Care Package will give...
Thoughts of a first-time mom As a first-time mom, there is always anxiety that creeps in. The constant paranoia: am I doing enough? Is this right? Will my kid need therapy later? Several of these insecurities started during my pregnancy. My...
Starbucks as a love language Have you heard of the Five Love Languages? (If you haven’t, go look them up and find yours.) But also, I think Gary Chapman missed an important one: Starbucks. I don’t think anyone has ever...
Just a few months after we said our vows, my husband and I found ourselves in the midst of seemingly insurmountable conflict in our marriage. So, of course, we thought a big change was needed and decided to move...
I've been thinking more about how to celebrate the month of Ramadan during a pandemic. It's time for me to decide which traditions to keep and what might need to be different this year. Ramadan is about so much more...
Case Of The Mondays? Yeah girl, me too. I don't know many (or any!) people who can honestly say they love Mondays...and especially Monday mornings! While I will forever be #teamweekend, I have found several strategies that have served my...
DC Area Moms is written by a team of dynamic volunteer writers! Each contributor brings their own ideas, experiences, and inspiration for parenting around our Nation’s Capital. We cover the full range of DC parent-related topics like pregnancy &...

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The DC Area’s Best Childcare Providers

One of the first decisions many parents make (sometimes even before their child is born!) is where they'll send their little ones to daycare....

Top DC Area Bagel Shops