Several years ago, I saw an idea on Pinterest for creating a deck of cards dates. This is a way to catalog 52 different date ideas from which a couple could choose date night (or day!) activities. I put...
One thing I have been waiting to share with my toddler is winter sports!  If you are looking for a quick day trip or weekend away for skiing with your young kids (Ages 4+), head out to any of...
I like experts and have relied on them many a time over the course of my life for various matters, parenting included. As a society, we need them. But sometimes it's refreshing to bring it down to us commoners...
We love playing board games and card games with our kids. There are usually some tears and disgruntled players, but also lots of laughter and fun. As a child I loved playing board games with my parents. I have...
It's that magical time of the year. Our children are discussing their Halloween outfits non-stop (and sometimes changing their mind multiple times). One thing most of us dread is the sugar high that comes with it. When my boys...
I’m always looking for new options to have in my back pocket to provide some entertainment for my kids. Bonus points if it doesn’t require screen time and packs an educational punch. Recently, I discovered that National Children’s Museum...
If you're anything like me, there is at least one part of laundry day that you absolutely dread. From the gathering and the washing to the drying and the folding, I don't know any parent who loves this entire...
Do you have friends with little kids visiting from out-of-state or internationally? Or, live in Maryland or Virginia and are planning a day trip to D.C.? Check out the perfect Washington, DC itinerary for kids, below. And make the...
So your child needs ear tubes. Did you know that 500,000 children each year get tubes in their ears? I didn't, but learning that statistic when the pediatric ENT told us our one-year-old needed ear tubes brought me some...
This week (August 25 – August 31) marks the 10th Annual Black Breastfeeding Week! Black Breastfeeding Week 2022: 10 Years, A New Foundation I was fortunate enough to breastfeed both of my children for 2+ years. When I found out I...
This continues the conversation from our previous article with Dr. and Mom Aviva Legatt regarding how to navigate the college admissions process. Tell us about the most common misconception or myth about the college admissions process that you’ve encountered with moms. Aviva:...
Guidance on the college admissions process from Dr. and Mom, Aviva Legatt. School. SATs. Extracurriculars. APs. Recommendations. Applications. Early Admission. The school year is around the corner. While the school year can bring hope and excitement, it also can bring...
Whether you are a summer iced black coffee or specialty coffee enthusiast, Northern Virginia offers some of the best coffee shops. Whether you are having a one-on-one meeting, a social gathering, a playgroup meetings, or just craving craving baked...
Like many others, my family is trying to soak up the last days of summer before the hustle and bustle of the school year starts. So last weekend, we decided to enjoy a picnic lunch by the beach. I...

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In + Around DC

Ultimate Spray Parks, Splash Pads, and Water Parks Guide for DC,...

This spray, splash, and water park guide was created by Julie Hart, and updated by Stephanie Shipman, and Courtney Whittington. One of the best places...