11 Affirmations for the New Year


As we embark on another year, I am joyfully reflecting on areas of my life that have experienced tremendous growth. I’m not approaching the new year with the same laser focus on goals. I am, however, leaning into a practice of speaking kindly to myself. With this in mind, I’m excited to share Eleven Affirmations for Mothers in the New Year.

Picture of mother and son with affirmations overlayed. The image is purple
Picture of mother and son with an affirmation overlay created in Canva

As mothers, mother figures, and guardians, our children occupy so much wonderful space in our lives. There are days when it can feel as though I’ve abandoned my basic needs, tending to the demands of my son’s needs. This first affirmation speaks to honoring our needs.

1. I prioritize taking time to nourish and replenish myself.

We’re overwhelmed with messages about caring for ourselves. Sometimes, it can seem impossible if everything falls on you. However, caring for oneself does not have to be elaborate. It could be as simple as having five minutes of quiet in the morning or making small healthy changes in your diet. Nourishing and replenishing ourselves looks different for each of us, but making time is paramount. You deserve it.

2. I choose progress over perfection in my home and life.

Perfection is an illusion. Honoring our steps offers much more beauty, lessons, and a feeling of accomplishment. Being human means, we’re guaranteed to face obstacles and challenges. Our aim should be progress, not perfection, leading to the following affirmation.

3. I celebrate small wins, knowing they lead to significant victories.

Our children are the greatest teachers when celebrating small wins. When they take their first step, tie their shoe for the first time, or learn a new skill, their joy (ours too) from something small is a big deal. They teach us to pause and extend gratitude for the small wins. In 2025 let’s affirm more of our progress and small wins!

4. I trust my instincts and wisdom as a mother.

Whether it’s unsolicited advice from your mother-in-law, a friend, or societal expectations, at the end of the day, you know your child and what they need. Sometimes, we can diminish our instincts regarding our children’s needs, but we are innately connected to our children. Trust your wisdom and instincts as a mother.

5. I can ask for help, and it does not diminish my strength.

“It takes a village to raise a child, but it takes a village to support a mother.” Ask for help, Mama! Voicing our needs is one of the best ways to prevent burnout and allow others to express their love toward us. Accepting support also increases our capacity to pour into ourselves and our families from an already full cup. 

6. I make time for my dreams and passions without guilt.

For many mothers, we do the delicate dance of showing up for our children and pursuing our goals. Many of us know what it is like to sacrifice our plans to tend to the needs of our families. When we have the time to pursue our desires, in comes the mom guiltMotherhoodredefinedco said it best, “Before you were a mother, you were someone else. Don’t forget about her. You are always a mother, but you are not only a mother.” We deserve to pursue our dreams without guilt. As we pursue our dreams, we teach our children the power of pursuing what makes you come alive.

7. I embrace the beauty of motherhood, even in its messiness.

From snotty noses and ever-ending colds in the winter months to meltdowns, milestones, and endless giggles, raising little humans is a messy job. Messy house and sometimes a messy emotional roller coaster. Each situation is as unique as the child itself; embrace it. Learn to be present and savor each stage. Be sure to check our resources for support.

8. I release comparison and trust my unique journey as a mother.

Speaking of uniqueness, I believe our children chose us. With all of your beauty, quirks, and personality, something about you is necessary to help nurture your children. With the influence of social media or other mom friends, we can easily be tempted to compare ourselves to others. However, comparing doesn’t serve us best in different areas of our lives and certainly doesn’t when it comes to parenting.

9. I embrace each day as a fresh start.

Each day possesses possibility. The dinner you worked hard to create did not go over well with your children last night. Or maybe you responded out of irritability to your pre-teen. Perhaps you and your spouse are struggling to find your rhythm in postpartum. Whatever obstacles, missteps, or moments where you wish you would have done better, do what you can to repair today, but give yourself the grace to embrace each day as a fresh opportunity to move forward. We are often hard on ourselves and carry that baggage into the next day, leading to the following affirmation.

10. I am growing alongside my children, learning every day.

This affirmation is one of my favorites. Mama, you are growing! Growth is not easy. Commend yourself as you brave each day and, in many ways, are the superhero of your family. You show up constantly, often without thanks, and make your home a place of love and joy. Remember, it’s not just your littles growing; you are, too!

An image of a small boy laughing while his mother holds him.
My son Micah and I were playing in October 2024

11. I am enough, just as I am, for myself and my family.

Lastly, we are inundated with messages encouraging us to change or alter ourselves, whether through beauty products, self-help discussions, or even spiritual messages. While these messages have their place, I think moms need to know they are enough just as they are. You are enough and worthy of everything you envision for yourself and your family.

There are so many ways to affirm ourselves. When we speak kindly to ourselves, we teach our children to do the same.


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