How Do I Find the Right School for My Child?

This article is sponsored by Lowell School. We hope you enjoy learning about their exceptional school.

Finding a learning environment that will stoke your child’s curiosity, encourage them to think critically, and nurture their strengths is important for every family, but the decision-making process can feel overwhelming. Here are a few tips Lowell School offers to help families find the right “fit” for their child:

1. Know Your Child and Your Family

  • Mission and values: Does the school’s mission align with your goals for your child, and do their values align with your family’s?
  • Academic approach: Will your child learn best in a teacher-centered traditional education program with structured lessons or in a progressive education program like Lowell’s that is student-centered and focused on experiential learning? 
  • School size: Will smaller classes that allow for more individualized attention and support—like the ones at Lowell—help your child thrive? 
  • Involve your child: Children’s voices matter. At Lowell, we build a foundation that encourages them to become self-advocates.

2. Do Your Research

  • Online directories: Start building your list of potential schools by visiting websites like DC Area Moms. Lowell is also a member of the Association of Independent Schools of Greater Washington and the Association of Independent Maryland and DC Schools, both of which offer customizable searches for families.
  • Word-of-mouth: Don’t forget to tap into one of the greatest resources: asking friends, family, coworkers, or neighbors for recommendations.
  • School websites and social media: Once you have a list of schools you are interested in, learn more about their curriculum, community, and values by visiting their websites. You can see all that in action at Lowell on our Instagram and Facebook pages (@lowellschooldc).

3. Decide What Matters Most to You

  • Community and engagement: Do you want to be part of an active community of families who plan events and support each other, or do you prefer a more hands-off approach?
  • Special programs: Does the school offer specialized programs, such as art, science, or Spanish, that can expose your child to new ideas and nurture their passions? How is technology used to support learning? Lowell’s specialists are some of our most engaging and creative teaching staff; in our middle school, the students themselves even get to design some of the elective courses. 
  • Extracurricular activities: Are there clubs, sports, or other enrichment opportunities that your child would enjoy? At Lowell, we offer a robust roster of specialized after-school courses, swim lessons in our indoor pool, music lessons and band practices, and a variety of sports each season, some starting as young as Kindergarten.
  • Location and school services: How far is the school from your home, and do they have the after care, transportation, or other services your family needs? 

4. See It for Yourself

  • Campus and environment: Your child will spend every day there, so understanding a school’s facilities and resources is critical. Lowell’s campus is located on 8.5 acres adjacent to Rock Creek Park and includes a number of science labs, libraries, art studios, and more—not to mention beautiful Kalmia Creek, which completes our park-like feel.
  • Students and staff: Consider the school’s diversity and demographics. Observe the interactions between students and teachers. Does the learning seem joyful and authentic? Are the students confident in their environment, and do they care for one another? Lowell’s mission is to equip children to think critically, engage purposefully, and live authentically, and it shows up in big and small ways every day.
  • Be prepared and ask questions: Don’t be afraid to ask questions, big or small. If something is on your “Matters Most” list, write it down in advance so you don’t forget. This is an important decision for your family, and schools want to give you the information you need to make an informed decision. 
  • Take notes: You can always look up core information online or in the admissions materials, but jotting down your impressions during the tour will help you remember later how the environment felt and if you could envision your child there.

5. Making an Informed Decision:

  • Take time to reflect: Think about what you learned and how it aligns with your child’s needs. If you need more information, follow up. The process of finding the right school may take time, but it’s worth the effort to ensure your child receives the best possible education and support. 
  • Trust your gut: The best school for your child is one where they feel comfortable, happy, and challenged. If your instincts tell you it’s the right school, you’re probably right. 

Let us tell you how Lowell School can be the right fit for your family.  


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