You’ve been BOOed! Now BOO Friends and Neighbors


Ready to BOO your neighbors and friends this Halloween season? Now is the time! Booing is a great way to celebrate the spooky-fun holiday. Plus, it is a wonderful way to build community and let others know that you are thinking of them. We were recently been booed by neighbors and the kids were ecstatic to dig into the goodie bag! We were so grateful and we’re excited to go Boo more neighbors and whomever else we want.

© iStock, VeselovaElena

How to Boo Friends and Neighbors

Boo others by collecting items (ideas listed below!) for friends or neighbors, putting them in a goodie bag, printing a label to put on the bag, and dropping it on their doorstep in secret! The person being booed will try to figure out who brought the goodie bag. See which friends or neighbors have a printable “we’ve been booed” sign on their front door which indicates if they have already been Booed. You don’t want to Boo someone twice (right?!).

Print our FREE printable “You’ve been BOOed” sign below too! As you will see on the printable, we suggest creating two boo bags within two days and delivering it secretly to two friends or neighbors (or more!). Please share this fun activity with neighbors far and wide.

Halloween Boo Bag Item Ideas

Wondering what to put in a BOO bag? Here are some ideas. Boo bags can be extravagant or easy, for kids or adults, and for neighbors, teachers, family, friends, etc. You could even mail some boo goodies to far flung family and friends!

Also, ALL of the treats below can also be passed out on Halloween night! Order in bulk NOW to get them in time for Halloween. Additionally, these items can also be used for Halloween parties, party favors for later, Halloween goodie bags for classes, etc.

When creating boo bags, consider who will be receiving the bag. Toddlers may like a small Halloween Book, Elementary aged kids may like Pokemon cards, and adults may like a bottle or Rosé! OR you can simply create something that is your expertise like candle making, baking bread, or creating art with mini pumpkins. Whatever you do, have fun cultivating a more meaningful Halloween season for everyone.

BOOing friends and neighbors is a Halloween Tradition that is here to stay! Happy Halloween!

FREE, Printable “You’ve Been Booed” Sign

Booed by Courtney Whittington


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Courtney Whittington
Courtney was born and raised in Louisiana where she met her husband (married in 2005). They have moved several times, but finally feel very settled in NW DC after moving back in 2016. She has four energetic kids: Cormac (2010), Evangeline (2013), Solomon (2016), and Antoinette (2019). She thinks motherhood is absolutely wonderful, but is constantly trying to figure out how to manage it all. She spends her days talking Star Wars, playing with legos, doing crafts, having tea parties, and chasing her toddler. Motherhood is wonderful and wild and in 2017 she banded together with other mothers to start DC Area Moms to inspire, learn, and grow together. She loves morning coffee, chocolate, chatting with people since she's an extrovert, a clean house (which is rare these days). She dislikes when her kids don't listen the first time, she abhors littering, and doesn't enjoy shopping.