The Period Problem

Today we have to worry about being a good mom, wife, sister, and daughter. Throw in the need to conform to mainstream and social media on how to meet societal expectations while doing the vast majority of the household...
It's January and you've probably already decided what your goals and resolutions are for the new year. But mine this year haven't changed much from the last two years. Yes, even after the year we all just experienced, my...
According to a study published by the American Psychological Association, starting at age 10 black boys are viewed as less innocent than their white peers, and are more likely to be mistaken as older, be perceived as guilty, and...
  With MLK day here, I'm gearing up for ways to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with my four-year-old son. We've talked about Dr. King before, but I think this will be the first year he'll understand how important...
The Washington, DC area is full of amazing moms: working moms, stay-at-home moms, single moms, moms of multiples, etc. We want to highlight some of those moms! Each month we will feature one special mom as the mom of...
Two months before I was due to give birth in 2018, I was laid off from my company. It is tough to get laid off to begin with, but add the stress of having to care for a new...
I have been sitting in front of this blank page for a couple of hours, watching all the commentaries and analysis on the attempted coup on January 6. Honestly, it has been everything but surprising. And I know it’s...
If you are planning on traveling, I get it! This is a no-judgment zone. But how can you travel safely with kids during a pandemic? It's possible. Here's what I learned from my experience. My husband and I decided to...
A couple of months ago, I received some unexpected mail from one of my oldest, best friends. She is also my sorority sister. It was a simple note telling me that she was thinking of me with all that’s...
Health and safety concerns in our communities have caused many typical family-friendly events and activities to be canceled or closed. This month, we have compiled a list of family-friendly places that are open in our region. Please note that...
I am deeply saddened and disturbed by what's happening right now. And while there's a lot to say, the truth is that there's nothing new I can say that will change anything. However, what's happened this week affects all...
Once upon a time, my son had no idea how a TV or iPad worked. His days were filled with hands-on play, reading books, singing songs, freely exploring the world around him, and zero screen-based activities. Those were simpler times.  Now,...
A NICU nurse weighs in on the pros and cons of home birth. I hesitated a long time in writing this article about home birth for many reasons. But as more and more moms consider birthing babies at home, I...
January has arrived, which means that people everywhere are promising themselves that things will be different this year. They are planning to make huge changes to their lives based on what they think they should be doing. I generally...

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In + Around DC

May Family-Friendly Events Guide

The DC area offers so many fun things for families to do in May. Musical performances, nature activities, learning about cultures around the world,...

Top DC Area Bagel Shops