Moms, we need one another. We need friendship, we need community, we need to know we aren't alone. The heart behind DC Area Moms Blog is to help connect moms in meaningful, useful ways. To help us all create...
Family travel is one of my favorite things to do! Now, before you roll your eyes and stop reading, hear me out! My kids are not perfect travelers and we’ve had our share of mid-air toddler tantrums. But, even...
Whether you're a mom who's brand new to the Washington, DC area or a seasoned Metrobus rider who's had addresses in all four quadrants, the DC Area Moms Blog is the best go-to resource to connect with a community...
Honestly, winter is not my favorite time of the year. Having 10 kids indoors for days on end makes for a long season. Over the years, I have come up with some easy indoor activities to do at home...
Let me start by saying that all decisions about whether or not to work outside of the home, whether or not to climb the career ladder, or taking a leap of faith and starting a business, are all deeply...
The start of a new year is just as good as any time to set some goals. As a busy mom expecting Baby #2, I decided I would set some basic goals for myself, all in an effort to...
Gaining weight during pregnancy. It's inevitable although some, obviously, gain more than others. I am on the "more" side. It may be because I'm simply just programmed to have big babies (my son was 9lbs 11oz), OR it may be...
The holiday season is here, and with it comes the many traditions established over the years. The traditions my parents established created so much joy for our family. And as time and distance caused some traditions to fade out,...
It's the most wonderful time of the year. No, not the first day of school after summer break. It's the Holiday Season! You will probably attend a party or two, but how about hosting one? Hosting a party is...
Our favorite free family friendly museum isn’t located on the National Mall (we love those museums too). It is located 36 miles south of Washington, DC in Triangle, VA. The National Museum of the Marine Corps or the Marine...
EdFEST is December 14th at the DC Armory and school lottery applications for 2020-2021 open on the 16th. EdFEST is an annual public school fair where families can check out various public and charter schools in one place. There...
Those two well-crafted lines from This Is Us summed up a huge culture shift for me since becoming a mama to my mixed-race son. While most weeks I’m sobbing from the show’s powerful emotional messages, this week felt like...
We are grateful for the sponsor of this guide: Kelly Kelley with Compass Real Estate. Kelly Kelley is an expert for this area. Please be sure to check out thorough details about her practice below. We are thankful for her sponsorship, which...
  As we approach Thanksgiving and the holiday season, we are reminded everywhere from decorative hand towels to Hallmark movies to be thankful and generous. We give thanks for the people and things in our lives. We donate food and...

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In + Around DC

The DC Area’s Best Childcare Providers

One of the first decisions many parents make (sometimes even before their child is born!) is where they'll send their little ones to daycare....

Top DC Area Bagel Shops