Are you looking for a fun and creative way to get your kids into the holiday spirit? Look no further! With just a few simple steps, your kids will create a cute and festive Santa Handprint Craft! This fun...
During the winter, it’s hard to not want to snuggle up on the couch and sip a mug of delicious hot chocolate. The days of powder hot cocoa to stir into your mug just doesn't seem as fun now...
After the last few years, it feels like we’re all seeking connection more than ever before. And for new parents, that need is even more pressing - finding your village, your friends, and your support system is so important.   That’s...
The holiday season is here! And with that, holiday movies are on full rotation in our home. Here is a list of the best holiday movies for families by age group. We also share five ways to make holiday...
Today I will share how to create an adorable-looking snowman in a winter wonderland using a toilet paper roll. Paper roll stamping is a great way to spark kids' creativity and showcase that everyday objects can have a second...
A highly sensitive person raising a highly sensitive child?! Loud sounds, strong smells, large crowds, all are a hard pass for me. Growing up, I never realized why certain situations were overwhelming for me but not for my peers....
Baby, it’s cold outside!  You know what that means?  Grab your swimsuit – it is the perfect time of year to visit one of the indoor swimming pools in the DC area.  Swimming is not just a summertime activity. ...
Guess what we are hosting? Our Third Annual Halloween Costume Contest! This was so fun in 2021 and 2020 that we decided to do it again! We are excited to fill up our Instagram feed with your cute children, families, etc. dressed up...
Living around Washington, DC means there are lots of places to visit for people of all ages. But when my parents came to watch our toddler for a week in between daycare transitions, I had to think about what...
Ready to BOO your neighbors and friends this Halloween season? Now is the time! Booing is a great way to celebrate the spooky-fun holiday. Plus, it is a wonderful way to build community and let others know that you...
Geneva Day School’s Student-Scientists Spread their Wings with Butterfly Gardens What has scales yet does not measure weight? What is colorful yet does not glimmer as a rainbow? What flies yet does not flutter as a bird? This riddle and...
I’m always looking for new options to have in my back pocket to provide some entertainment for my kids. Bonus points if it doesn’t require screen time and packs an educational punch. Recently, I discovered that National Children’s Museum...
With revenge travel in full swing, a lot of parents are going on new adventures with toddler, baby, or kids in tow. Doing anything with children is already time consuming and traveling is no exception. I'd love to share...
School has begun and we are over the moon. However, do you know your child's teacher? See our free, printable teacher questionnaire to get to know teachers or other staff! Our kids are at school ALL day and these...

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In + Around DC

Ultimate Spray Parks, Splash Pads, and Water Parks Guide for DC,...

This spray, splash, and water park guide was created by Julie Hart, and updated by Stephanie Shipman, and Courtney Whittington. One of the best places...