This piece started as a journal entry about three years ago, while I was a newly-minted mom contemplating the healing process after my C-section. I learned that even among other moms, there can (understandably) be really strong opinions, and...
This week (August 25 – August 31) marks the 10th Annual Black Breastfeeding Week!
Black Breastfeeding Week 2022: 10 Years, A New Foundation
I was fortunate enough to breastfeed both of my children for 2+ years. When I found out I...
When it comes to capturing moments, it's easy to post a picture on social media. But when it comes to capturing photos that do more than send quick updates throughout the day, a newborn photo shoot is the way...
Entering the world of motherhood can be a scary, albeit exciting, quest. Advocacy lessons helped me survive torrential waters.
Although Black Maternal Health Week is over, let's continue the discussion on how to achieve health equity for Black moms and...
Considering a childbirth education class? Or maybe a class to learn about how to care for a newborn? Infant CPR? You've come to the right place!
While pregnancy, childbirth, and life with a newborn is often full of surprises, a...
Dear All Lawmakers (especially Democrats):
I understand that to compromise with other Democrats and get the infrastructure bill introduced to attempt to be passed, the paid parental leave for parents was cut from 12 weeks to four. I just wanted...
This is a guest article from Libby Bianchi.
I remember shopping for my black dress at the mall that one humid fall day twelve years ago. Not a sexy strappy one for a cocktail party. No. Rather, one on the...
Hint: A caesarean scar defect does not mean there is an issue with the visible scar on your tummy. It means there is something wrong with how the incision to your uterus healed.
C-section woes
Emergency c-sections are scary, I'm not...
You might be asking yourself how breastfeeding could be an act of resistance? A political act. A statement. You might be wondering how the simple act of feeding your baby could be anything beyond providing nutrition.
The Statistics with Breastfeeding...
The "snapback." We need to talk about it. Especially now since the topic's been in entertainment news lately.
What does "snapback" mean?
Maybe you've heard of it. Maybe you haven't. But it's the idea that after having a baby, you suddenly...
A NICU nurse weighs in on the pros and cons of home birth.
I hesitated a long time in writing this article about home birth for many reasons. But as more and more moms consider birthing babies at home, I...
When I struggle with an area of my life I often want a “redo,” I take the time to assess what I learned from that experience and then try something very similar again. I often hope that my knowledge...
It took me a while to sit down and write my COVID-19 birth story. Even though things went well, the anxiety leading up to my delivery at the end of April was a roller coaster.
Like all of us, I...
To say that I, and many others, did not expect to be in this position is an understatement. I am 34 weeks pregnant while I write this post, and in my third trimester during COVID-19. I am freaking out...