Anyone with a toddler at home knows the have BIG emotions sometimes. As parents, we want to help our toddlers learn how to manage all those emotions and build upon their emotional intelligence—but where do we start? There are...
Our health insurance's advice nurse services were a much-needed lifeline when we became brand new parents. "Is that normal?" was a frequent question. In Junior's first year, he was sick—a lot. And we called the advice nurse—a lot. Your...
Whether you always knew you wanted to be a parent or became one hesitantly, the reality of having a new baby can be quite a shock. The change and upheaval in your somewhat "normal" life is profound. And as...
A lot has changed quickly in the last few weeks as coronavirus (or COVID-19) has gained ground in the US. I know I'm not alone as my anxiety rises as we wait to see what is next. So while...
Like many of you, I am feeling unsure of what to do when things feel so uncertain. I may be a clinical psychologist, but I am also a person who has never lived through something like this before. I...
Last night I sat on the bathroom floor feeding my hysterical newborn, holding him in one arm as he balanced precariously on my knee. I was using my other arm to stop my toddler falling off the toilet seat...
I'm 39 weeks pregnant and slowing down but the world around me is moving faster than ever. One week ago, on a very normal day, I shared stories on DC Area Moms Blog Instagram. A few days before that,...
This article tells a personal experience from the author and all opinions are those of the anonymous writer. The writer and her family are ok, have notified all locations where they have been, and are taking precautions seriously. None...
This Saturday, while at my baby shower, the ladies there started talking about birth, babies, and motherhood. Then someone brought up incontinence. While they joked and asked if anyone else experienced leaking while jumping, the whole topic just made...
If your children are anything like mine, they often come home from school feeling cranky, weary, and hungry. One of the best options I've found for curbing their pre-dinner hangry moods is through nutritious homemade super smoothies. Easy to...
Conscious consumerism is a hot topic lately, and while most of us can agree that it's important, it's also incredibly overwhelming. So I want to share my journey so you feel a little less alone and a little more...
Are you still trying to get back into your normal routine after the holidays? Me too! Yes, we are adults and parents—not babies—and we need a routine. I remember when all 3 of my girls were babies. Everything I...
I'm a news producer, so I see headlines and read articles from around the world all the time. It's a large part of my job. Being that I've been doing this for many years, it's easy to get desensitized...
Working in the nutrition field, I had big hopes for all the healthy foods that I would feed my child. MY child would joyfully eat avocado, salmon, spinach, blueberries, etc. So, of course, irony would have it that I...

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One of the first decisions many parents make (sometimes even before their child is born!) is where they'll send their little ones to daycare....

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