Birthing Doulas are in demand. Their skills, while not medical, are a tremendous help to mothers. Hiring a doula saved my life. She was my support person, educational resource, and advocate, and she made my birthing experience one for...
It is true; we are our children's first teachers. The beauty is they are our teachers. My son will be one at the end of the month, and I am amazed at how much I have learned from him....
Chances are, if you’ve heard of CrossFit, you’ve probably heard stories about people doing these off-the-wall, crazy hard workouts and only eating protein shakes. Ok, take that image and scale it way down- that’s the CrossFit that I’ve fallen...
I'll soon be forty (and figuring it out). Forty. ForTY. FORty. FORTY. As forty drew closer and closer, I kept thinking I would be one of those people who would pick a goal. Forty marathons by my 40th birthday or 40...
I love letting my kids play outdoors, run in the forest, stomp in a stream, etc., but around Washington D.C., that comes with a risk: Lyme disease. It was risk I didn’t think much about until my own son...
The year 2022 taught me that self-care is a discipline. Not just a manicure and pedicure. I went through some big changes over the past couple of years — including having a baby at the height of the pandemic...
It was a regular day--well as regular of a day that was possible during the sourdough/banana bread days of the pandemic, and my daughter was in the kitchen, hard at work decorating a cake. Our Daughter's Big Reveal Once she finished,...
Losing a family member is one thing, but when it happens by suicide, it's very different. Someone made a choice to end their life. It causes confusion. There are loose ends everywhere. Here are some ways I have learned to...
I don’t like Mother’s Day - and it’s ok. Over the past couple of years, around this time, there starts to be social media posts and blog entries about remembering that Mother’s Day might be all that great for...
May is one of my favorite months of the year. It finally feels like spring, the flowers are blooming, we get to celebrate Mothers Day… the list goes on.  May is also National Water Safety Month. And while it’s certainly...
This piece started as a journal entry about three years ago, while I was a newly-minted mom contemplating the healing process after my C-section. I learned that even among other moms, there can (understandably) be really strong opinions, and...
Hey Moms, I am so happy you're here and ready to see 5 unique, budget-friendly date night ideas! We all know it is especially hard to have a date night with kids. Plus, there is the added financial stress...
Reflecting on Black Maternal Health Week, I wanted to acknowledge mothers. I see you. I hear you. You inspire me. I am rooting for us. Read these positive affirmations for black mothers aloud when you need a reminder of how special...
Black Maternal Health Week occurs every year from April 11-17 and was officially recognized by the White House in 2021. This year’s theme is “Our Bodies Belong to Us: Restoring Black Autonomy.” The week brings together dozens of global...

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In + Around DC

11 Winter Weekend Getaways at Beaches & Water Parks

If you are a beach person like me, then you are likely craving the ocean! The good news is that going to the beach...

Top 8 Lunar New Year Events